Tuesday 28 June 2011

Last weekend!

First of all, sorry for lack of blogging. I've been pretty busy the past few days but I'm off today and tomorrow so I'll take the time to blog.

Everybody loves weekends, right? Well last Saturday I had a feeling of "dislike" (I'm always told hate is a strong word). This is because I was doing my usual shift at the pub and it was busy...

By busy I mean it was packed. Good from a point  of view that my mates pub is taking a fair bit of money but bad when there's only 4 of us behind the bar and one of them is in and out of the kitchen cooking. We had a private function in the lounge, a birthday party. We had roughly 80 guests. Upstairs we had another party and we also had ladies in for a hen night, as well as the bar and its regulars. Add all that up and it equals chaos.

Myself, Chris, Zoe and Jess ran our socks off all night. Serving drinks, cleaning up and at one point we ran out of glasses! They weren't coming back so we had to get as many in as we could while the bars were "quiet".

It was quite stressful for us all and we called last orders earlier than normal, served everyone then closed the bars and had a break. During my break I went outside for a smoke then came in and sat down with a pint with the regulars and chatted with them until we had all chilled out and then began to start the clean down. 

I was working until 1:30 easy, it was madness.


Sunday I spent with my girlfriend Nic, we decided to meet up before I had work and go for a meal. We had our meal and a few drinks and then I decided that I was a bit too drunk to turn into work. 

You know the deal, one pint turns into two, and two turns into 3 and before you know it you're sitting in the sun drinking them like there's no tomorrow. Graham ended up covering my shift and since I wasn't working I called Ash and James and got them down. We had a good day just chilling and then we all went back to mine and watched the new episode of Top Gear.

All in all it was a busy week and an even busier weekend! It was fun though. I'm next in work on Thursday night so I'm just going to enjoy my days off and also try and get some blogging done.

Until then! Take care.

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